Friday, February 26, 2016

Military Ball

Family Photos

1. I will photograph my family. My two brother, my sister, and my parents. Or I will do family photos of my aunts family.

2. My backyard because I love family photos when they are outside with the nice sunlight.

3. The sun most likely.

4. I would need a tripos, camera and maybe a pocket wizard.

5. I may encounter the fact my sister doesn't like to be shown as short in photos.

6. I will have everyone kneel and she stand up.


Pet Photography

1. One of my two dogs.

2. I will be shooting in my living room or in my backyard.

3. I will use the sun probably, I like the effect the sun has on a subject.

4. I will need a tripod and a camera.

5. Getting the dog to stay still.

6. I will have a treat and my mom with me. My dog listens to my mom better than anyone else.

I will get this photo with my lab and he listens pretty well so it may not be to hard to get him to stay still. He's lazy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

HDR Photo




I dont like that there were no clouds in the photos because clouds look really cool in HDR photos.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

1. HDR is High Dynamic Range

2. HDR is three photos with different exposures combined to make one photo with dramatic lighting.

3. The camera takes 3 different photos for you low medium and low.

4. Photoshop

5. Be careful not to combine them into one with different layers.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Landscape Preview

Step 2:

1. Maximize Depth of Field
2. Use Tripod
3. Still have a focal point

Step 3:

Step 4:

Equipment: Flashlight, extra battery, lenses, tripod, photoshop, camera and your brain.

Step 5:

I would like to take photos at Zilker Park and Wild Flower Center


Lady Bird Flower Center: 

I will use google earth to preview the places i might go to take these landscape photos.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Flash Studio Project

Set 1: 


Set 2:

Set 3: 
